Welcome & Bienvenidos!

Welcome to Ignacio "Nacho" Torres' official blog. The site documents Nacho's bodybuilding career and travels from his home in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. To date the photos are from trips to Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Russia, Canada and the USA.

In November 2008, Nacho won the MuscleMania Middleweight World Championship in Las Vegas, beating out formidable challengers from China, Pakistan, Romania, the Philippines , India and the United States. On september 2010 he did his profesional bodybuilding debut in Toronto Canada compeing against formidable profesional bodybuilders getting a 6th place and leaving Canada dtermided to return for the title next 2011 wbff world championship.

Nacho has since traveled twice to the USA and is now coaching a winning team of Uruguayan and southamerican bodybuilders, while continuing his own training.

Hope you enjoy the blog a
nd please feel free to comment. He loves hearing from you--in Spanish or in English.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The joy of victory

Thanks to the judges

Nacho among the runners up

The announcement came: The winner of the 2008 MuscleMania Middleweight World Championship is Ignacio Torres of Uruguay!

Spotlight on Nacho!

Stand and Shout!

Unbeatable Routine, Unbeatable Physique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nacho, acordate que yo fui el que te enseñó a hacer pared en el fútbol. Muy bien que hayas salido campeón porque demuestra que me superaste como tu maestro, aunque se te hubiera complicado contra mí en Las Vegas ahora ues estoy levantando 4kg de bíceps :)